Sunday, November 21, 2010

Help Thou Mine Unbelief

Help Thou Mine Unbelief
by Gideon Burton
after Mark 9:24 ("Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.")

If once upon more lonely shores I stood
in reticence before the puzzling wreck
of elements and time, of breath and blood,
uncertain what to fear or to expect --
No longer, Lord, though darker raging seas
push up their acid tides, press down their might
and trembling earthquakes drop me to my knees;
or salty winds and sands shred dimming light.
For I have seen the clean serenity,
and I have heard the calming spacious spread
of deeper peace ring through eternity
and animate what in me I thought dead.
     Unfinished, my belief, and sapling weak;
     upheld by Him whom I am sure to seek.

Photo: flickr - MattWhale

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Gideon, this is so about me. 'Animate what in me I thought dead.' I've been there. And I am forever grateful for the animate belief in those I trust, whose examples I've followed to the degree that, even when things are 'unfinished' and 'weak', I still default to seeking the only One who can ' unbelief'. (And that scene in Mark is so poignant; it's truly a favorite place in the scriptures for me.)
